#47 Adopt, Don’t Shop, part d

Bo and Gizmo enjoying the spring sunshine together

Puppies Require Patience

I could tell instantly that Bo was very smart, food motivated, and eager to please. He picked up new tricks quickly and if he didn’t understand, he tried desperately to get a grip on what we were asking him to do. Despite that, he took about four months to fully potty train, which just about drove us insane every time he had an accident. A pup my mom and I had adopted after Sasha passed away, a black Lab/beagle mix named Shortstop, only took two weeks to get potty training down! Training bells, treats, patience, and consistency worked miracles with Bo, and I wish I had tried that perfect combination sooner to save my sanity. But we made it through, and the days of accidents are long behind us now.

We also had to readjust our lifestyle somewhat. For example, we used to keep shoes by the door, some outside and some inside. If Bo was alone in the yard, he would steal the shoes, spread them throughout our country property, and chew them up before we even knew they were missing. We had to start keeping all the shoes inside where we could watch him and teach him to leave them alone. But overall, even through the difficulties, Bo has proven to be a wonderful family dog for us, fitting in perfectly and desiring our love and praise.

Anyone who has ever had a puppy before knows that puppies aren’t simply cute bundles of joy. They require patience, training, consistency, love, and many clean-ups. You are likely to have several accidents and even lose a shoe or two in the process, but you if you stick with it, you will gain the most loyal lifelong companion you could ever ask for. And if you’re not up for all the demands of a puppy, there are many young adult and senior dogs in the shelters who also long for a loving home of their own, and many of them are already potty trained! Just please keep in mind that even adults require a generous amount of time, patience, and understanding to fully adjust to their new homes.

The Benefits of Classes

In accordance with our foster-to-adopt contract, we agreed to get Bo fully vaccinated, neutered, and into puppy classes before our adoption could be finalized. I signed him up for an AKC-certified STAR Puppy course through Skelly Dogs Training. I had never taken any of my previous dogs to classes before, so this was new for me, but I have to admit that I absolutely loved all the exposures and experiences we had there. It built up both his and my confidence and strengthened our relationship even further.

Bo graduated from the STAR Puppy class, and I witnessed this timid little pup start to come out of his shell and gain confidence along with a solid bond with me. I was amazed, and I eagerly signed him up for the next class—Core Commands 1. I took a break after that one for summer camping trips and events, and it’s been a whirlwind with school beginning again, but I do plan on going back for more because I thoroughly enjoyed everything we gained from the experience.

If you’ve never taken your dog to classes, please consider doing so. You just might be surprised not only at the valuable training you and your dog both get but also at how it enhances your bond. Even if you’ve got an older dog, the value is limitless. Old dogs can learn new tricks, and besides basic training, there are also fun classes like agility or scent work. Trust me, it’s worth the experience!

Bo’s Adoption Is Finalized!

After meeting all the requirements of the foster-to-adopt contract, we finalized Bo’s adoption in May 2022, although we celebrate it on the day we brought him home in early January, because really, he was a part of our family from that very first day.

Mailing Bo’s adoption contract and fee to MSPR!

To be continued…

Join me next month for the final installment on this blog series, all about adoption, volunteering, and getting involved in whatever way you can! There’s something everyone can do, depending on your available time, resources, and interests. And if you’re ready to adopt, check out the website I recommend to search for your perfect match.

About Mandi Summit

I'm a wife, mom, equestrian, and lover of the written word. I also enjoy camping, spending quality time with my family, and the occasional glass of red wine. I try my hardest to maintain a positive mindset and always spread positivity to others.

4 comments on “#47 Adopt, Don’t Shop, part d

  1. I cannot wait to pre order “Horse Cents” on February 14th!!! We will order multiple copies to give to our other grandparent friends!
    Loved your blog as usual.

  2. Mandi, what a pleasure is was creating the illustrations for Horse cents. The artistic freedom you allowed me was truly a breath of fresh air. So proud to have been part of your first book! Yaay!! Tracy

    • Tracy, you have always been a wonderful client, and I am so happy that we were able to reverse order when I became your client! I am thrilled with the illustrations you created for Horse Cents. It’s clear that you were just as passionate about this project as I am. Thank you for taking it on. 💖

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