Red Quill Blog

I don’t want to just be your editor—the faceless person behind a screen who judges your hard work. I want you to view me as an actual person—a wife, mom, horseback rider, lover of the written word and the outdoors…and someone who really cares about what you have to say! That’s why I want to bare my own vulnerabilities through the Red Quill Blog, which covers various topics with a personal touch.


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#2 The Fire, part a

My husband, Lane, and I had our first daughter, Ember, in October of 2016. We owned a cute little starter home in a small town – the same town that I was born and raised in. But it was only a two-bedroom, one-bath, and now that we were starting our family, we were ready to […]

#1 Hello, World!

I should have started Red Quill Co LLC over a decade ago! I have always loved the written word. I thought for a time that I would write and publish fiction novels. I can’t tell you how many novels I have started throughout the years, but never saw to completion – some of them I […]