Red Quill Blog

I don’t want to just be your editor—the faceless person behind a screen who judges your hard work. I want you to view me as an actual person—a wife, mom, horseback rider, lover of the written word and the outdoors…and someone who really cares about what you have to say! That’s why I want to bare my own vulnerabilities through the Red Quill Blog, which covers various topics with a personal touch.

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#12 Equine Therapy, part b

A few years later, I was a freshman in high school suffering briefly from depression. I say briefly because, fortunately for me, it lasted less than a year, while I know many people who constantly struggle with it. I had no reason I could point to and say, “This is why I am unhappy,” – […]

#11 Equine Therapy, part a

For longer than I can remember, I have always loved horses. It’s every little girl’s dream, isn’t it? To have her very own horse (or unicorn!) would be a dream come true. But for me, it was never meant to simply be a phase. When I sat on my very first pony at the fair, […]

#10 Explaining Death to Your Kids

Death is a heavy topic, no matter how old you are. It’s heartbreaking and can put your life on hold as you adjust to your new reality without your loved one. It can even make you spin a 180 and scramble to find your footing again. When you yourself are in mourning, it’s even harder […]

#9 The Anxiety Monster

Anxiety and Imposter Syndrome – two of our greatest enemies. I come across these things quite often, both within myself and my clients. Many of us, if not all, experience these things at some point in our lives. These self-inflicted wounds can hold us back and keep us from achieving, or even trying for, our […]

#8 Snow Day

It never snows here in our little valley – we’re too close to sea level. But this week has been extra cold, and a few days ago my four-year-old, Ember, came running to me excitedly to say she saw snowflakes. Sure enough, as I walked out of my bathroom where I had been brushing my […]

#7 Guinness Lamb Stew

This time, I thought we’d break up all the seriousness of the previous posts with a recipe. There’s just something about cold weather, especially when it’s raining, that makes me want to pull out my crockpot and get something slow cooking for dinner. I love the way it fills the house with a warm, welcoming […]

#6 New Year, New Choices

2020 – a year of chaos, face masks, fear, and death. I’m not going to get into the political side of it all, but I will say this last year was not the greatest for my family. After losing our home in the 2017 wildfires (in case you missed it, you can read all about […]

#5 The Fire, part d (FINAL)

“What?” I said in disbelief, as I began walking toward the coop. A large piece of our metal shed was on the ground, and as I passed by I heard a weak meow. “Cali?” I said, hoping it really was our cat, and not my mind playing tricks on me. She delicately crawled out from […]

#4 The Fire, part c

The next several weeks were a blur to me. I barely remember going to Walmart the next morning to get basics, like toothbrushes and a second set of clothes for each of us that didn’t smell of smoke. We went to several emergency booths and donation centers to gather things we needed and start all […]

#3 The Fire, part b

I jumped from where I was, ran straight to our daughter Ember’s room, and swooped her into my arms. I ran into the living room where Lane was running around, frantically deciding what to take with us. I asked him what I should grab. Lane stopped briefly, looked at our one-year-old daughter in my arms […]